What’s next?

Crear muymia.com ha significado mucho para mí durante una época maravillosa de mi vida, pero por fin ha llegado el momento de evolucionar y crear algo mejor! Por eso desde ya puedes disfrutar de mejores contenidos, cursos y clases online de Coolhunting para aprender a cómo detectar tendencias, servicios personalizados de consultoría para potenciar tu marca física o personal y muchas cosas más en www.coolhuntinglab.com ¿A qué esperas? ¡Nos vemos allí! Con cariño, Clara.

Creating muymia.com has meant a lot to me during a wonderful period of my life, but now it is the moment to evolve and create something better! So starting right now you can enjoy better content, Coolhunting online courses and classes to learn how to detect trends, personalized consulting services to enhance your physical or personal brand and much more at www.coolhuntinglab.com What are you waiting for? I hope to see you there! Love, Clara.

10 años de Wilde sunglasses

Este mes de mayo celebramos el 10 aniversario de Wilde, que trae consigo 15.688 leyendas y un negocio familiar de gafas. Es un placer volver a escribir sobre un sueño que he visto nacer y crecer hasta convertirse en lo que es hoy: una marca de gafas de sol de referencia y un verdadero estilo de vida.  

We are celebrating 10 years of Wilde sunglasses, together with 15.688 legends and a family business of sunglasses. It is a pleasure to be able to write again about a dream that I have seen born and grow up to become what it is today: a well known sunglassses brand and a true lifestyle.


“…decidí montarme en mi skate de los años 70 rumbo a la calle Joaquín Costa en Barcelona. Observaba con determinación el camino porque recuerdo con gracia la cantidad de veces que me he caído en ella y hoy no podía permitir repetir la historia, cualquier día menos hoy. Al estar justo en frente de esa fachada abrí los candados diciendo “estoy abriendo una mina de oro.” 

“…I decided to ride my 70’s skateboard towards Joaquin Costa Street in Barcelona. I watched the road with determination because even if it is funny how many times I felt in that Street, today it could not happened that day, not today. I remember being right in front of that facade while opening the door of my Little shop and saying to me: “I’m opening a gold mine.”


El sueño de Cao (Venezuela) junto con su amigo Teppei (Japón) empezó como una tienda de ropa vintage que consiguió ser referente en España y en Europa especializándose en gafas vintage. En pocos años se convirtieron en creadores de sus propias colecciones de gafas con más de 40 modelos diferentes, piezas únicas que se han convertido en amuletos y exclusivas joyas para quienes son afines al estilo de vida Wilde.

The dream of Cao (Venezuela) together with his friend Teppei (Japan) began as a vintage clothing store that managed to be a reference in Spain and Europe specializing in vintage sunglasses. In a few years they became creators of their own sunglasses collections with more than 40 different models, unique pieces that have become amulets and exclusive jewelery for those who are akin to the Wilde lifestyle.


En estos 10 años desde su primera tienda en la Calle Joaquim Costa número 2 han llegado a tener 9 puntos de venta diferentes, algunos temporales otros fijos… Barcelona, Madrid, Ibiza, Formentera, Medellín, Hiroshima y Osaka; ofreciendo gafas y conservando siempre la premisa de cultivar producto nacido en Europa, con producción local.

In these past 10 years since its first store in Calle Joaquim Costa number 2 they have placed 9 different points of sale, some temporary others fixed… Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Ibiza, Formentera, Medellín, Hiroshima and Osaka; offering sunglasses and always keeping the premise of growing a product born in Europe, with local production.

Hoy los puedes encontrar 24/7 en su web donde envían gafas a todas las partes del mundo y tienen tiendas físicas en Barcelona (2), Madrid (2) y (1) en Osaka, Japón.

Today you can find them 24/7 on their website sending sunglasses to all parts of the world and they do have street stores in Barcelona (2), Madrid (2) and (1) in Osaka, Japan.

Wilde Store Madrid

Wilde no es solo un producto, es una manera de vivir y entender la vida, es una forma de ser, un objetivo, una meta, un sueño y lo honramos haciendo de cada lugar algo único y especial, porque nuestra filosofía es y seguirá siendo que no hay mejor manera de transmitir el ADN de la marca que a través de sus propios puntos de venta.” 

Wilde is not just a product, it is a way of living and understanding life, it is a way of being, an objective, a goal, a dream and we honor it by making each place something unique and special, because our philosophy is and will continue being that there is no better way to transmit the DNA of the brand than through its own stores.”

*Además para celebrar estos 10 años, solo durante este mes obsequiarán a sus clientes con un 10% de descuento si vas a la tienda física y dices que vienes de parte de muymia. Barcelona, Madrid y Osaka ¿estáis preparados?

*And to celebrate these first 10 years of the brand, only during this month customers will enjoy a 10% discount if you go to the store and say you are coming because of muymia. Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Osaka are you ready?

WIlde Tortoise_sunglasses_sunnies


Jeans will become highly technological

The “jean” of the future will combine sustainable development with high technology, allowing its users to orient themselves in the street, filter e-mails and even keep the body at the right temperature.

Continue reading “Jeans will become highly technological”

Top trends for AW 2016/17

Riotous, energetic, subversive, with an urban street, dark fantasy and altered states direction make this one of the most commercial seasons for some time.

Continue reading “Top trends for AW 2016/17”

Mark Reay, the fashion photographer who noone knew he was also a homeless

Homme Less. The Mark Reay true story, as fashion photographer who noone knew he was also a homeless.

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Pura Vida or a trip to Costa Rica

“Costa Rica is not a holidays destination, but a real lifestyle.”

“Costa Rica is not a holidays destination, but a real lifestyle.” Clara De Nadal Trias

Continue reading “Pura Vida or a trip to Costa Rica”

Wolford is quality and luxury for legs wear

Wolford, quality and luxury for legs wear written by Fashion Journalist and CoolHunter -Clara De Nadal Trias- published on http://www.muymia.com

The history of Wolford is inseparably connected with the history of fashion as the maker of the world’s finest hosiery.

Continue reading “Wolford is quality and luxury for legs wear”

080 Barcelona Fashion SS 2015

Now is the time to embrace and praise the fashion from the city of Barcelona this time with summer / spring 2015 collections of the best catalan / spanish designers and brands.

Continue reading “080 Barcelona Fashion SS 2015”

080 Barcelona Fashion + New Contest!

¿Quieres asistir a los desfiles de Josep Abril o Krizia Robustella + Zazo&Brull en la próxima edición del 080 Barcelona Fashion SS14? Continue reading “080 Barcelona Fashion + New Contest!”

Passage bcn

Concept store: usually a multi flagship store which offers highly selected items in a dream space to offer a unique shopping experience that transcends the mere purchase of products.

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What’s A Fashion Week (and other stories from AW 2014)

Only the ones who truly live inside do really know how it feels and what it really means. 

Continue reading “What’s A Fashion Week (and other stories from AW 2014)”

Le Cucut!

Born and raised in the neighborhood of La Vila Olímpica, sports and surf lifestyle fan, student of advertising and passionate about music… Meet Le Cucut!

Continue reading “Le Cucut!”


Maybe -just like me- you have not finished or started the year as you would like… But be sure that ‘what does not kill you makes you stronger’ and the truth is that it takes much, much more to finish with me. And why do I speak like this about myself?

Continue reading “Selfie”

Greenwich Market, London

If you are living or visiting London, Sunday is a perfect day to discover new parts of London such as Deptford and the colorful and wonderful Greenwich Market.  Continue reading “Greenwich Market, London”

Emilio De La Morena ‘Exclusive Interview’

At the same time London Fashion Week Spring / Summer 2014 was taking place, I had the opportunity to interview the most renowned Spanish designer in the British capital… Continue reading “Emilio De La Morena ‘Exclusive Interview’”